Lester Dent is the most famous of all the different authors who wrote the Doc Savage stories and considered the best by most readers.
The Travels of Berne Dent: 1873-1920
- An examination of Lester Dent’s early life.
- A history of the famous 4J Ranch in Gillette, Wyoming.
Lester Dent at La Plata High School: 1920 1923
- A look at Dent’s high school years
Lester Dent at Chillicothe Business College: 1924
- Articles on Dent’s enrollment at Chillicothe Business Colleger
The Dent-Marquiss Connection: 1924
- A correspondence between Dent and a childhood friend.
Lester Dent – Telegrapher: 1924 -1930
- Some details about Dent’s telegraph career
The Man Who Inspired Lester Dent
- The day the laughter stopped and the writing began.
Lester Dent – Correspondence: 1929 – 1932
- A synopsis of correspondence and newspaper articles relating to Dent writing career.
Dent’s Travels on RMS Mauretania: 1933
- A look at the Dent’s 1933 Caribbean cruise.
Lester Dent spent a night with Bedford Dickerson, the prior week. Dickerson and Dent attended La Plata High School together. Dickerson’s class was two years behind Dent. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, July 13, 1933
C. B. C. News – It appears Dent visited CBC but the article is not clear and there is an obvious error with missing text. The Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune, Wednesday, August 9, 1933
Family Gathering – Lester and Norma Dent attended a gathering at Locust Hill. The people in attendance appear to be relatives of Dent’s mother, Alice Norfolk Dent. The articles mentions the Dents live in New York City. Source La Plata Home Press, Thursday, October 18, 1934
The Cruise of the Albatross: October 1934 – December 1934
- 1935 News relating to the Albatross
- 1943 Dent essay on the Albatross
There is a small article about Lester Dent and a new Doc Savage novel that includes a character from Kirksville. Dent writes the Doc Savage stories and lives in New York. It is interesting to see the papers describe Dent as a “La Plata boy” as he is 30-years old. Source La Plata Home Press, Thursday, January 31, 1935
Southern Florida in the Albatross: January 1935 – April 1935
- News articles relating to the Dent’s stay in southern Florida
A short article states Lester and Norma Dent are visiting from New York. The will visit with relatives in La Plata and Carrollton. Source La Plata Home Press, Thursday, July 18 1935
The Hunt for Sunken Treasure: November 1935 – March 1936
- Publicity for Lester Dent’s 1936 Treasure Hunting Expedition
AUTHOR OUTLINES PLOT FORMULAS – Lester Dent gave a lecture on fiction writing at the Central school. Journalism students from the Works Progress Administration of Miami and Coconut Grove were in attendance. Source: The Miami Herald, Sunday, March 29, 1936
JOURNALISM CLASSES JOIN – Lester Dent, author of the Doc Savage stories, will give a talk at the Coconut Grove Elementary School. Journalism classes from Miami and Coconut Grove will be in attendance. Source: The Miami News, Thursday, April 16, 1936
April 19, 1936 – Ed Bodin mentions Lester Dent in his weekly column, The Manuscript Man. Bodin comments on Lester Dent’s article in the 1936 Writer’s Yearbook titled The Pulp Paper Master Fiction Plot. Dent provides an outline for writing a 6,000 word story. Source: The Birmingham News, April 19, 1936
Oklahoma Biographs – Lester Dent, the Wizard of the Pulps – This is a lengthy biographical article on Lester Dent. It mentions his homes from Oklahoma to Wyoming and back to Missouri. His authorship of the Doc Savage stories is notes. Dent claims that in its second year, the magazine was the most successful pulp magazine in the world. Source: The Daily Oklahoman, Sunday, July 19, 1936
Fall 1936 in La Plata: September 1936 – November 1936
The Explorers Club: 1936
Lester Dent joins the Explorers Club
Author Dent to New York – The article notes that the Dents left for New York on Sunday morning after spending the last two months in the area on vacation. The schooner Albatross is in dry dock. Dent’s novel, Angelfish, is the feature story in this month’s issue of Black Mask. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, November 26, 1936
LA PLATA BOY WEDS – Former Secretary of Lester Dent is in Washington – Kenneth Sien of Washington, DC married Geneva Reynolds on January 6. The couple were married in Baltimore, Maryland at the First Methodist Church. They will live in Washington, DC. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Monday, February 8, 1937
Book Offers Guide To Writer Markets – The article is about The Writer’s Market for 1937 by Aaron Mathieu. The book is published by Writer’s Digest and features an article by Lester Dent, The Pulp Paper Master Fiction Plot. Source: The Ogden Standard Examiner, Sunday, May 16, 1937
March 19, 1937 – Rosoff’s Restaurant in New York City
- Lunch with the New York Fiction Guild
1937 – The Long Summer in La Plata: July 1937 – November 1937
- Lester Dent sets up office in La Plata
The Dent’s 1938 European Vacation: April 1938 – July 1938
- A look at the Dent’s European vacation.
A short article notes the Dents drove to Carrollton to visit family. Nora Dent will visit the week. Lester Dent will be in La Plata tomorrow. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, July 14, 1938
Noted Fiction Writer Visited Chillicothe – Lester Dent visited the college on the prior day. His recent European trip is mentioned. Dent plans to stay in La Plata through part of November. Source: The Chillicothe Constitution Tribune, Thursday, September 8, 1938
We Spent a Pleasant Day – Lester Dent is mentioned in passing in an article about John Barker. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, September 8, 1938
A short article about the Dents moving into their new residence in south La Plata. The location is described as the property in which the Lewis Main family was staying. Dent plans to run his office out of his new home. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, September 29, 1938
THINKS HITLER WILL BLUFF TO “LAST INCH” – Dent talks about his European trip. He predicts there will not be a war. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Saturday, October 1, 1938
BRILLIANT EVENING FOR COLLEGE SAVANTS FROM NEIGHBORING SCHOOL – The La Plata Fortnightly Club hosted visitors from the Kirksville Teachers College. Lester Dent was the guest speaker. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, October 13, 1938
Secretary Brown Pleases – Secretary of State Dwight H. Brown was in town to speak. Lester Dent and Dink’s Electric Shop were present with sound equipment. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, November 3, 1938
Dal Dalrimple was in town and visited with Lester Dent. Dalrimple worked with Dent at the Tulsa Tribune. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Saturday, November 3, 1938
ANOTHER NATIVE SON ENTERS RANKS OF LA PLATA BUSINESSMENT – The article is about the opening of Dink’s Electric Shop. Lester Dent was present and showed his movies. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, November 24, 1938
ALL SCHOOL DISTRICTS ARE INVITED TO SHARE IN CHRISTMAS FESTIVITY – The Community Commerce Club is sponsoring a Christmas event. Lester Dent is Chairman of the Entertainment Committee. He is also on the Advertising Committee. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, December 1, 1938
Oil Test Interests Many Local People – The article concerns local oil exploration efforts. Lester Dent is the author of article. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, December 15, 1938
The Dents were in Tulsa, Oklahoma visiting friends. They were back in La Plata on Monday. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, December 22, 1938
Lester Dent Presides – Dent was master of ceremonies at the Community Commerce Club Christmas event. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, December 29, 1938
The Doc Savage Super-Fan: December 1938
- The Dents travel to Tulsa and meet Bill Hutchinson
Lester Dent Goes To New York City – The Dents left for New York on Wednesday. Dent’s secretary, Evelyn Coulson was with them. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, December 29, 1938
Television Will Sweep County – The article revolves around a letter Dent wrote to Paul Smith about television. Dent is in New York. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, February 2, 1939
7 Million Words – This is a very short article about Lester Dent’s writing output. It reads like a press release and was printed in several papers. Source: Moberly Montor Index, Tuesday, February 7, 1939; Marion County Standard, Wednesday, February 8, 1939; The Bland Courier, Thursday, February 9, 1939; Bland Courier, Thursday, February 9, 1939; Warrenton Banner, Friday, February 10, 1939; Washington Citizen, Friday, February 10, 1939
DENTS VACATIONING AT LAKE PLACID – The Dents are in Lake Placid, New York on vacation. Dent plans to spend another month in New York and return to La Plata in April. Source: The Chillicothe Constitution Tribune, Thursday, February 11, 1939
Wright is Re-Elected Head of Business Men – The Community Commerce Club had an election and made committee assignments. Lester Dent is Entertainment Committee Chairman. He is also on the Advertising Committee. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, March 9, 1939
Dents To Come Home – The Dents will be returning to La Plata from New York this week. Dent’s secretary Evelyn Coulson will also be returning. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, March 30, 1939; Macon County Herald, Saturday, April 1, 1939
Lester Dent Comments About Current Topics Of Interest – Dent mentions the World’s Fair preparations. Dent speaks about the political situation in Europe. in New York. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, April 6, 1939
Visit At Carrollton – The Dents visited Mrs Lois Gerling in Carrollton on Sunday. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, April 13, 1939
The paper carried several articles on the La Plata High School Class of 1923. Lester Dent’s success was noted. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, May 11, 1939
1939 – Summer Boxing in La Plata: May 1939 – August 1939
- Lester Dent and the Sports Bureaucracy
MRS W. O. DANIEL IS HOSTESS TO P. E. O. – Lester Dent was a guest at the meeting. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, May 18, 1939
Membership Record Of Club Is Broken – The Community Commerce Club broke its membership record. Lester Dent is named as a member. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, May 25, 1939
LA PLATA IS FORTUNATE – Lester Dent and C. A. Nelson are recognized for their civic service. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, May 25, 1939
GENIUS JONES – The paper is promoting its upcoming serialization of Dent’s story, Genius Jones. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, June 1, 1939; Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, June 8, 1939
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hostess – The Dents were guests of the Contract Club. A picnic supper has held at Santa Fe Lake. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, June 8, 1939
Lester Dent, Master Mason: May 1939 – September 1939
- Lester Dent joins the Masonic Lodge at Kirksville, Missouri.
GENIUS JONES TO START IN HOME PRESS, JUNE 29 – Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, June 15, 1939
LAST RITES FRIDAY – Lester Dent was one of the pallbearers at the funeral of Miss Effie Bowen on Friday. Source: The Chillicothe Constitution Tribune, Saturday, June 17, 1939
COMMERCE CLUB PLANS TO CONTINUE FREE FIGHTS – Lester Dent made report on the fights at last night’s meeting. He said he will be leaving to travel out west soon. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, June 22, 1939
Oklahoma Biographs Lester Dent, The Wizard Of The Pulps – The article is a biographical sketch on Dent. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, June 29, 1939; Originally published in The Daily Oklahoman, Sunday, July 19, 1936
Jerry Thomas Wins Hole-In-One Contest – Lester Dent was one of the contestants. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, June 29, 1939
Lester Dent and Hollywood: July 1939 – August 1939
- Lester Dent travels to Hollywood trying to get Doc Savage into the movies.
Great Britain and France declare war on Germany on September 3, 1939

The Guardian, Monday, September 4, 1939
Hunting in Wyoming: September 1939
- Lester Dent and Onie Story hunt Elk in Wyoming.
Returns From Carrollton – Norma Dent returned to La Plata after visiting her mother in Carrollton: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, September 21, 1939
Guests In Dent Home – Norma Dent’s brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Gerling of Wichita, Kansas were guests at the Dent home. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, October 5, 1939
Kris Kringle With C. Tinney – Lester Dent will be one of the guest on Cal Tinney’s Youth vs. Age program tonight. Dent is advertised as the creator of Doc Savage. Source: Democrat and Chronicle, Saturday, December 23, 1939
Pulpeteers – The article talks about various high-output writers. Lester Dent is mentioned as writing 2,500,000 words per year. Source: The Los Angels Times, Friday, March 29, 1940
Spring 1940 in La Plata: April 1940 – July 1940
Super Mystery Comics #1, July 1940
- Contains “Corporal Flint of the Royal Northwest Mounted Police and the Flame Maiden” by Lester Dent
1940 – NAHMA: August 1940
Fall 1940 – Back in La Plata: September 1940 – February 1941
Mr. And Mrs. Dent Home From Trip East – The article states the Dents have returned after a two month visit in New York where Dent was renewing contracts with Street & Smith for the Doc Savage Magazine. Dent talks about defense contracts and the European war. He also remarks that his Great Dane, Johnny, has inspired Frank Gruber to write a story titled The Hungry Dog. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, April 17, 1941 – Page 1
EXPLORER TO TALK AT LIONS’ PARTY – Lester Dent, LaPlata Writer and Traveler, to be Ladies’ Night Speaker – The article notes that Dent is president of the LaPlata Lions Club. He will be the guest speaker at the Moberly Lions Club. The meeting will be held at the Alamo restaurant with dinner being served at 6:45pm. The talk will be about his trip to Europe and states Dent was in Austria when it was annexed by Germany. There was a follow-up article about the meeting on May 20. Source: Missouri Moberly Monitor-Index, Moberly, Missouri, Saturday, May 17, 1941 – Page 4; Missouri Moberly Monitor-Index, Moberly, Missouri, Saturday, May 20, 1941
Commerce Club Meets – Dent was at the Wednesday night meeting and presented some information about publicizing the town. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, May 22, 1941 – Page 1
Stone Speaker At Lions Club – Dent was a speaker at the Wednesday night meeting. Source: Moberly Monitor-Index, Moberly, Missouri, Friday, May 30, 1941 – Page 3
Stone Speaker At Lions Club – Lester Dent will appear at the Municipal Auditor on June 11. He will be the featured speaker and will talk about Europe and the Caribbean. Source: Moberly Monitor Index, Friday, May 30, 1941
Lester Dent will give a talk on his travels Friday evening on June 13. The talk is sponsored by Independence Grange. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Macon, Missouri, Wednesday, June 4, 1941 – Page 3
Dent Travel Talk Tomorrow Night – The article states that the Mobley Lions club will present Lester Dent who will give a talk on his treasure hunting cruises and European visit at the Municipal Auditorium. Source: Moberly Monitor Index, Moberly, Missouri, Tuesday, June 10, 1941 – Page 2
Author – Traveler Speaks Tonight – The article states Dent’s lecture is titled Europe and the South Seas. Source: Moberly Monitor Index, Moberly, Missouri, Wednesday, June 11, 1941 – Page 6
Dent Talk Heard By Small Crowd – Dent gives a talk on his treasure hunting cruises at the Municipal Auditorium. The article states that the turnout was disappointing with about 50 people attending. Source: Moberly Monitor Index, Moberly, Missouri, Thursday, June 12, 1941 – Page 2
This is a short one paragraph story about Dent’s presentation on June 13 at the Steele school house. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Macon, Missouri, Tuesday, June 17, 1941 – Page 3
Article: Mrs. Dent will visit her mother in Carrollton this weekend. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, July 3, 1941 – Page 8
Article: The Dents visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Long earlier in the week. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, July 10, 1941 – Page 2
Two New Houses Now Under Construction – Short blurb about the construction of Dent’s new home in La Plata. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, July 31, 1941 – Page 1
Article: The Dents were in Jefferson City on Wednesday. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, August 7, 1941 – Page 5
1941 – NAHMA: August 1941
GUESTS HONORED – Lester Dent attended a social gathering and showed one of his films. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, August 21, 1941
Article: The Dents are in New York on business. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, October 23, 1941 – Page 5
Death Wore Skis: October 1941
- The Toronto Star, October 25, 1941
- The Bangor Daily News, Saturday, November 29, 1941
Article: The Dents were in Kansas City Monday. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, February 5, 1942 – Page 8
Lester Dent and the Draft: February 1942
- World War II was not long in arriving in La Plata
Madison Belt to be C. C. President – Lester Dent is elected to two committees on the Tuesday night meeting of the La Plata Commerce Club: advertising and entertainment. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, April 23, 1942 – Page 1
Prizes Are Awarded Writers – Dent was one of the featured writers at the 33rd annual journalism week at the University of Missouri in Columbia which opened Wednesday. Source: The Sedalia Democrat, Sedalia, Missouri, Thursday, May 14, 1942 – Page 5
K. C. Woman Heads The Writers Guild – The Missouri Writers Guild met in Columbia yesterday and elected officers. Lester Dent was chosen to be a director. Source: The Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune, Chillicothe, Missouri, Thursday, May 14, 1942 – Page 27
Article: Norma Dent was admitted to the Grim-Smith Hospital in Kirksville for an appendix operation. Source; La Plata Home Press, Thursday, May 21, 1942 – Page 5
Article: Norma’s nieces from Carrollton visited the Dents last week. Source; La Plata Home Press, Thursday, July 30, 1942 – Page 12
Article: Dent headed to New York for business on Tuesday. He expects to be a week. On Wednesday, Norma Dent went to visit her mother in Carrollton. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, July 2, 1942 – Page 1
Article: The Dents were in Carrollton for the weekend. They also joined the Missouri Writers Guild for a trip to Arrow Rock. The Dents also visited Kansas City. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, October 8, 1942 – Page 6
The Dents entertained Norma’s sister, Victoria Gerling, over the weekend. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, October 22, 1942 – Page 3
Article: On Sunday, Mrs. Lester Dent accompanied some friends to Des Moines to visit Lt. and Mrs. J. M. Reavley. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, November 12, 1942 – Page 5
Article: Norma’s sister, Victoria Gerling, came from Jefferson City and spent the weekend. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, November 19, 1942 – Page 1
He’s A One-Man Word Factory – Lester Dent is featured in a lengthy article. The Doc Savage stories are the main subject discussed. Source: St. Louis Post Dispatch, Wednesday, November 25, 1942
Article: The Dents have returned from a trip to New York. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, January 21, 1943 – Page 1
A Send-Off Party – Party at Dent’s home for Onie Story who is leaving for Army examination. In a separate article, Norma was visiting her mother in Carrollton. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, February 11, 1943 – Page 5
P. E. O. Met Thursday – Mrs. Dent was present at the meeting. She was elected to the position of guard. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, March 11, 1943 – Page 6
Fortnightly Club – Lester Dent lectured on the Technique of Modern Fiction. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, March 25, 1943 – Page 6
Article: The Dents visited were in Kansas City on Sunday and Monday. Norma Dent stayed and visited with her sister. She plans to return via Carrollton and visit her mother. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, April 8, 1943 – Page 8
Advertisement: Mrs. Dent has an advertisement for someone to do housework. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, May 6, 1943 – Page 2
Commerce Club Meets; Elects Executive Board – Lester Dent was elected to the board. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, June 3, 1943 – Page 6
Lester Dent was in New York. Norma went to Carrollton to visit her mother. Source: La Plata Home Press, June 3, 1943
Commerce Club Met And Elected Officers – Lester Dent was elected president. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, August 26, 1943 – Page 1
Westminster Gleaners Sunday School Class – The Presbyterian Sunday School class held a covered dish supper Tuesday evening for Rodney Collins who was leaving for the army. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Dent are mentioned among the honored guests. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, October 7, 1943 – Page 8
Lester Dent and Pete Coughlin: October 1943
- Who was Pete Coughlin and why was Lester Dent so interested in writing about him?
Lester Dent was in Jefferson City attending a meeting of the Missouri Writers during the weekend. Norma was in Carrollton visiting her mother. Source: La Plata Home Press, October 14, 1943
Lester Dent’s Great Dane, Johnny: November 1944
- The death of Dent’s Great Dane, Johnny.
P. E. O. – The club met at the Dent home Thursday. The B. L. L. party will be at the Dent home on December 2. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, November 25, 1943 – Page 6
Attended Commerce Meeting in Macon Monday – Dent attended a meeting of the Macon Chamber of Commerce on Monday. Source; La Plata Home Press, Thursday, December 9, 1943 – Page 1
Boy Scouts To Hold Charter Night Next Wednesday – The article announces a banquet at the Presbyterian Church on February 9. Dent is listed as assistant Scoutmaster. It is also mentioned that he is on the executive board. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, February 3, 1944 – Page 1
Girl and Boy Scouts Guests at Banquet Wednesday – Dent received his scouters commission at this meeting. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, February 10, 1944 – Page 1
The Dents headed out on Tuesday for Chicago. Mrs. Dent will remain in Chicago while Mr. Dent travels on to New York. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, February 17, 1944; Macon Chronicle Herald, Thursday, February 17, 1944
Article: Mrs. Dent was in Carrollton the prior weekend visiting her mother. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, March 2, 1944 – Page 1
Fortnightly Club – Mrs. Dent was elected 2nd vice-president. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, March 9, 1944 – Page 6
Fortnightly Club – Lester Dent was a speaker at the meeting. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, March 23, 1944 – Page 6
The first installment of Take Away the Lady by Lester Dent is printed. Source: The Chillicothe Constitution Tribune, Friday, April 21, 1944
Lester Dent, Author of ‘Take Away the Lady,’ Is Former C. B. C. Student – Dent is featured in an article. Source: The Chillicothe Constitution Tribune, Friday, Publication, April 28, 1944.
75 AT OPENING OF CAMPOREE – Lester Dent is chairman of the La Plata Scouting Committee. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Saturday, May 20, 1944
SCOUTS WILL HOLD RALLY – Lester Dent will be lecturing and showing movies at the rally. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Thursday, September 7, 1944
DENT GIVES ACCOUNT OF TREASURE HUNT – Lester Dent entertained the scouts with movies of his Caribbean treasure hunt. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Saturday, September 9, 1944
The Dents entertained guests from Kansas City. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Arnold were guests on Monday night. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, November 9, 1944 – Page 6
71 BOY SCOUTS ATTEND CAMPOREE – Dent is listed as committee chairman for the La Plata troop. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Saturday, Mary 5, 1945
MRS. LUCILLE UPTON HEADS WRITERS’ GUILD – Lester Dent was elected first vice-president. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Wednesday, Mary 23, 1945
The Missouri Blue Book for 1945-1946 included an article on the Missouri Writers’ Guild in which Lester Dent was mentioned. Source: State of Missouri Official Manual 1945-1946 pages 1025-1026.
June 1945 – Cal Tinney interview with Lester Dent, The Cowboy with Five Typewriters (unplublished). Source: National Register of Historic Places – Dent Home
Former CBC Grad Is Now a Writer – Dent is featured in another article. His work history mentions that he began work with Western Union Telegraph Company before moving to an Oklahoma oil company. From there he went to work as an Associate Press Correspondent for the Tulsa Daily World. This article states that his writing career started while he was working at the Tulsa Daily World. The article mentions that the Missouri Writers’ Guild made him Vice President at its recent meeting in Columbia, Missouri. Source: The Chillicothe Constitution Tribune, Monday, June 18, 1945
Macon County Fair & Fall Festival – The La Plata Commerce Club is planning a fall fair. Dent is chairman of the Carnival committee. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, July 26, 1945 – Page 1
La Plata Scouts Win District Championship – Dent is listed as committee chairman for the La Plata troop. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Thursday, October 4, 1945
Taylor Day Is Elected To Head Scouts – The Macon District Boy Scout committee met at Lester Dent’s home last night. Dent was elected a member-at-large. Source: Macon Chronicle-Herald, Macon, Missouri, Wednesday, October 31, 1945 – Page 1
Scout Executives Met Here Monday – This is another article about the October 30 meeting at Lester Dent’s home. The meal was an oyster fry. Source; La Plata Home Press, Thursday, November 1, 1945 – Page 1
200 Are In Attendance At Merit Badge Show – There was a meeting at the Elks Club last night for the Macon District. Dent assisted in the ceremonies. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Macon, Missouri, Tuesday, November 6, 1945 – Page 1
Court of Honor Awards To 18 Macon Boy Scouts – This is another article on the November 5 scout meeting. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Macon, Missouri, Wednesday, November 7, 1945 – Page 1
Boy Scout Committee Outlines Activities – The district committee on Boy Scouts met earlier this week. The October 30 meeting at Dent’s home is mention. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Macon, Missouri, Thursday, December 6, 1945 – Page 1
Boy Scout Party – The scouts had a Christmas party Friday night. Mr. and Mrs. Dent were in attendance. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, December 27, 1945 – Page 1
They Deduce Crime Doesn’t Pay — Enough! – Lengthy article on The Crime Writers of America chapter in Chicago, Illinois. Lester Dent is featured in a prominent photograph and described as the creator of Doc Savage. Source: St. Louis Post Dispatch, Thursday, December 18, 1947
Scouters Discuss Camping Activities – Lester Dent is listed as a La Plata scout leader. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Macon, Missouri, Friday, April 2, 1948 – Page 1
Committee Named For Fair Activities – Dent is named to the Entertainment Committee for the July fair. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Macon, Missouri, Monday, May 17, 1948 – Page 1
Officials Name Pilot Of Low-Flying Plane – Lester Dent’s new company, Airviews, was in the news but not in a good way. Local farmers had filed complaints about a low flying plane. The pilot was identified as P. L. Baitty of Airviews. The Civil Aeronautic Authorities reported the pilot had no permit to engage in low flying. Source: The Decatur Daily Review, Friday, March 18, 1949
Dent’s pilot was Perley Lind Baitty (1921-1977). Baitty enlisted in the United States Army Air Corp on June 12, 1941. His enlistment papers state he was a photographer in civilian life. The 1940 United States Census shows Baitty living about 60 miles northwest of La Plata in Putnam, Missouri. His burial marker indicates he was a Staff Sergeant.

Macon Chronicle Herald, Thursday, May 12, 1949
Article: Photo showing Dent talking to Airviews pilot P. L. Baitty. Source: The Daily Standard, Sikeston, Missouri, Friday, January 13, 1950 – Page 2
Daily Standard Begins New Mystery Farm Picture Series – The paper is showing an aerial photograph of various farms. Owners who identify their own farm will win a prize. Photographs are by Airviews of La Plata, Missouri. P. L. Baitty is chief pilot for the company. Source: The Daily Standard, Sikeston, Missouri, Friday, January 20, 1950
Airviews, Inc., File Incorporation Papers – Directors of the new company are Lester Dent, Norma E. Dent, and Eva Pash. (Eva B. Webber was a year behind Dent at LHS.) Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Monday, February 6, 1950
He Took Press Farm Photos –The article features a photo of Lester Dent and his chief pilot P. L. Baitty. Source: Logansport Press, Sunday, February 19, 1950, Logansport, Indiana
April 5, 1950 – Berne Dent dies. Source: Missouri Digital Heritage
Bern Dent’s Funeral to Be Friday in La Plata – Lester Dent’s father died the previous day. The funeral services will be held at the Lester Dent home. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Thursday, April 6, 1950 – Page 4
Balanced Farm Ring Organized For 1952 – Lester Dent was awarded a certificate for balanced farming by the Balanced Farmers Association. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Thursday, February 28, 1952 – Page 1
August 14, 1952 – Alice Norfolk Dent, Lester Dent’s mother, dies. She was 79 years old. Source: Missouri Digital Heritage
Surveys Made For Five Grade A Milk Installations – An inspector from St. Louis was checking farms that wished to sell milk in St. Louis. Lester Dent’s dairy farm was one of those inspected. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Saturday, April 25, 1953
Surveys Made For Five Grade A Milk Installations – An inspector from St. Louis was checking farms that wished to sell milk in St. Louis. Lester Dent’s dairy farm was one of those inspected. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Saturday, April 25, 1953
Diamond Briefs – The Dents visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Williams. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Tuesday, October 13, 1953 – Page 6
American Dairy Association Meeting – Dent is elected as an alternate Director at the meeting. Source: New Cambria Leader, Thursday, October 29, 1953 – Page 1
Macon County Milk Producers Discuss Grade A Marketing Plan at Meet – Lester Dent attended the meeting as president of the newly established Adair County Dairy Association. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Wednesday, January 20, 1954 – Page 1
Rural La Plata Starts Drive For Own Fire Truck – Farmers are raising money to purchase a fire truck. Lester Dent is treasurer. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Tuesday, March 9, 1954 – Page 1
Fire Truck Not To Serve Non-Members Committee Decides – Lester Dent was appointed to the purchasing committee. Dent was appointed to a three-year term as a director. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Saturday, April 10, 1954 – Page 1
Attended County Meeting of Historical Society – Dent attended and was appointed to a committee to establish a constitution and by-laws. Dent invited the committee to hold the charter meeting in La Plata as part of the La Plata Centennial scheduled for July. Source: New Cambria Leader, Thursday, March 17, 1955 – Page 1
County Historical Society to Adopt Constitution Soon – Lester Dent is on the organizing committee. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Monday, May 2, 1955 – Page 1
Plans for La Plata Centennial Event Outlined to Rotary – Dent presented an outline on the upcoming even and spoke on the local history. Source: Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Wednesday, May 25, 1955 – Page 1
Historical Society To Hold A Charter Dinner on June 16 – The cost of the dinner is reported at $1.50 per plate. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Thursday, May 26, 1955 – Page 1
Issue Invitation To La Plata Centennial – Lester Dent was one of the speakers at the Macon Rotary Club luncheon on Wednesday. Dent is one three people featured in a large photo. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Thursday, May 26, 1955 – Page 1
Advertisement: Dent is listed in a classified advertisement for the upcoming Macon County Historical Society Charter dinner. The event will be held at Louie’s. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Saturday, June 11, 1955 – Page 5 (repeated on June 14)
La Plata Group Attends Historical Society Charter Meeting – Page 1 picture of Dent and other leaders. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Friday, June 17, 1955 – Page 1
County Historical Society Plans ’56 Program Last Night – The Macon County Historical Society met Tuesday night to plan events for the coming year. The April meeting will be held in La Plata with Lester Dent being the program chairman. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Wednesday, January 11, 1956
January 8, 1957 – Norma Dent’s mother, Dora Weber Gerling, dies. She 85 years old. Source: Missouri Digital Heritage
MEADVILLE – Lester Dent was the guest speaker at the Callao Centennial Committee meeting on Monday. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Thursday, March 27, 1958
The paper had a feature photograph of Lester Dent as he spoke to the Callao Centennial Committee. Source: New Cambria Leader, Friday, April 4, 1958
- Larry On His Way – Fellow Hams Pay, Doctor Hopes He Will Walk Again – Larry Syferd of Leesburg, Ohio has been paralyzed since 1949 due to an accident. Lester Dent of La Plata, Missouri and Kenneth Arnold of Kansas City arrived today in a plane to carry Syferd to Kanas City. Source: The Cincinnati Inquirer, Tuesday, August 19, 1958
Lester Dent visited the Chillicothe Business College. Source: The Chillicothe Constitution Tribune, September 8, 1958
March 11, 1959 – Lester Dent dies after a three-week illness. He died at Grim-Smith Hospital in Kirksville, Missouri. Source: Missouri Digital Heritage
January 8, 1985 – Norma Dent donates the papers and manuscripts of Lester Dent to the University of Missouri. The documents form the Lester B. Dent Collection (C3071) of the Western Historic Manuscript Collection at the University of Missouri at Columbia. Mrs. Dent made an additional donation to the collection on February 18, 1985.
March 30, 1990 – National Register of Historic Places Registration Form for the Lester and Norma Dent House.
May 18, 1980 – The Lester and Norma Dent House is listed to the National Register of Historic Places. Source: National Register Information System ID: 90000763
Dent Home in La Plata Added To National Register Of Historic Places – Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Wednesday, June 27, 1990
January 23, 1991 – W. Ryerson Johnson made a donation to the Lester B. Dent collection at the University of Missouri at Columbia.