Evelyn Eloise Coulson was born May 25, 1916 in Atlanta, Missouri. Her parents were Vance Vivian Coulson (1888-1953) and Irene Loumaster Coulson (1892-1977). Note: The 1920 Census lists her age on January 9, 1920 as one year and seven months which would make the birth year 1918. The 1930 Census lists her age on April 12, 1930 as 13 years old. The Social Security Death Registry lists February 26, 1916 as her date of birth. The grave marker displays May 25, 1916.
The 1920 United States Census dated January 9, 1920, shows Evelyn Coulson living at 1905 L Street, Cedar Rapids, Iowa. Her father is working for the Hall Manufacturing Company as a tin basket maker. Her mother’s occupation states “none.”
Mr. and Mrs. Vance Coulson attended a picnic dinner in La Plata with their daughters Evelyn and Doris. Moravia Union, Thursday, September 1, 1932
The 1939 United States Census, dated April 12, 1930, shows Evelyn Coulson was living in Lyda, Missouri with her family. Her father’s occupation is listed as “truck driver.” She has a younger sister named Doris.
Information in the 1940 United States Census for residence in 1935 lists rural Wisconsin in Monroe County.
The November 5, 1936 edition of the La Plata Home Press carried a small article reporting Miss Ruth Williams of Kirksville visited Evelyn Coulson over the weekend.
The November 12, 1936 edition of the La Plata Home Press reported that Evelyn Coulson had enrolled in Chillicothe Business College for business and secretarial training.
1936 – Evelyn Eloise Coulson is attending Chillicothe Business College in Chillicothe, Missouri. Source: U. S. School Yearbooks, The Dux 1936

Evelyn Coulson
1937 – Evelyn Eloise Coulson is attending Chillicothe Business College in Chillicothe, Missouri. Source: U. S. School Yearbooks, The Dux 1937
Evelyn Coulson scores high in a business contest based on secretarial skills. Source: The Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune, Tuesday, June 1, 1937
In an article on the Chillicothe Business College awards, Evelyn Coulson received a silver pin for 100-word dictation.Source: The Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune, Chillicothe, Missouri, Saturday, July 3, 1937 – Page 2
Article: C. B. C. Student to Secretarial Position – The article tells that Evelyn Coulson is leaving her home to be Lester Dent’s secretary. It states Dent is spending the summer in La Plata before heading back east in the fall. Source: The Chillicothe Constitution-Tribune, Chillicothe, Missouri, Saturday, August 28, 1937
The Macon Chronical Herald published an article on Wednesday, October 27, 1937 which mentioned Evelyn Coulson. She and La Plata native E. Homer Hawkins attended the Chillicothe Business College annual Homecoming on the prior Saturday.
The Dents will be headed back to New York later this week. Evelyn Coulson will accompany them. A trip to Europe around March-April of next year is mentioned. Source” Macon Chronicle Herald, Friday, December 3, 1937
Article on the European vacation for the Dents with Evelyn Coulson accompanying them. The group set sail on April 6. Travel destinations include France, Switzerland, with a month in London. Dent plans to return home in the early summer. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, March 31, 1938
Dents On The Queen Mary – The articles states the Queen Mary sailed from New York on April 6 with the Dent’s and Miss Coulson. The destination port is Plymouth, England. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, April 14, 1938
June 29, 1938 – July 4, 1938: The Dents and Evelyn Coulson depart South Hampton, England aboard the SS Queen Mary for New York.Note: The ship’s papers list Evelyn Coulson’s year of birth as 1916.Source: New York, Passenger Lists, 1820-1957
Evelyn Coulson and the Dents return to La Plata from their European trip. The article states they visited France, Switzerland, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Holland, Belgium, and England. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, August 25, 1938
The paper has an article on Dent’s European vacation. Evelyn Coulson is mentioned as having been along on the trip. Source: Macon Chronicle Herald, Tuesday, August 30, 1938
Evelyn Coulson is the subject of the article and the various dolls she collected during the Dent trip to Europe. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, September 29, 1938
The Dents left La Plata for Hollywood on a business trip. Evelyn Coulson accompanied them. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, July 6, 1939
The 1940 United States Census, dated April 13, 1940, lists Evelyn Eloise Coulson living at Evangeline Residence, West 13th Street, New York, New York. Her occupation is secretary for a public corporation.
Evelyn Coulson is now working for American Air Lines in New York City as a secretary to a company executive. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, April 18, 1940
Evelyn Coulson is home on a three-week vacation. She is working for the United States and Foreign Securities Corps as a secretary. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, September 11, 1941
Evelyn Coulson completed her vacation and returned to New York. The article states she is working for the United States and Foreign Securities Corporation. Source: La Plata Home Press, Thursday, October 2, 1941
Evelyn Coulson is in town to visit her father who had an operation the prior week. She is now living in Washington, DC. Source La Plata Home Press, Thursday, April 22, 1943
Evelyn Coulson marries Staff Sargent Paul J. George. The marriage was held at Marble Collegiate Church, 5th Avenue, New York City on July 28. Source; La Plata Home Press, August 9, 1945
After the war, the Evelyn Coulson and her husband were living in Ohio.

1948 Cincinnati City Directory

1951 Cincinnati City Directory
Evelyn Coulson’s father, Vance Vivians Coulson died on March 19. Source: Moravia Union, March 26, 1953, Thursday
On The Records In Nearby Towns reports that Evelyn George was admitted to Willard Municipal Hospital. Source: News Journal, Friday, July 31, 1959
The Reports From Area Hospitals lists Evelyn George of Bloomville as one of the released patients. Source: The Sandusky Register, Thursday, August 13, 1959
Evelyn Coulson died on Wednesday, December 2, 1959, in Bethesda Oak Hospital. She was 43 years old and had been ill for the prior two years. Her home address was 2522 Indian Mound Avenue, Norwood, Ohio. There is no mention of her association with Lester Dent. Source; The Cincinnati Inquirer, Saturday, December 5, 1959
Evelyn Coulson’s mother, Minnie Irene Loumaster Coulson died on Wednesday in San Bernardino California. The obituary cites a surviving daughter Doris but no other children. No mention is made of predeceased family members. Source: The San Bernardino Country Sun, Thursday, November 9, 1977