February 14, 1941
William J. Duchaine writes Dent once more inquiring about Dent’s interest for teaching a course at Nahma, Michigan in August. The class would run from August 10 – 23. Duchaine wants Dent to teach a course in mystery writing. Duchaine also tosses out a queston about Frank Gruber coming.
Source: WHMC Folder C3071_10
May 25, 1941
VARIED PROGRAM FOR MICHIGAN – The 3rd Annual Vacation School will be held in Nahma, Michigan August 10 – 23. Course offered include poetry, photography, and writing. Lester Dent will be one of the instructors. Source: St. Louis Post Dispatch, Sunday, May 25, 1941
May 30, 1941
Know Your Peninsula – Lester Dent will be one of the instructors at the Nahma Summer School. Other writing instructors listed include Frank Bunce, Warren Beck, Arnold Mulder, and Frederick Nelson Litten.
Source: The Escanaba Daily Press, May 30, 1941
July 13, 1941
Article: ‘Backwoods College’ to Enroll 100 – Lester Dent is listed as one of the instructors for the Nahma Vacation School.
Source: Detroit Free Press, Sunday, July 13, 1941